Bosons give positive weight to space, fermions give negative weight.
The positive and negative contributions to the cosmological constant cancel to 120-digit accuracy, yet fail to cancel beginning at the 121-st digit. (11×11 or 11^2)
Physicist Steven Weinberg in 1987 argued from basic principles that the cosmological constant must be zero to within one part in roughly 10120, or else the universe either would have dispersed too fast for stars and galaxies to have formed, or else would have re-collapsed upon itself long ago.
This 121st digit gives a slightly positive value to the weight of the universe.
Our very existence places stringent boundaries on several aspects of the design of our universe. Our carbon build for example.
The knife-edge balance of gravitation and expansion is credibly explained by the “inflation” theory of cosmology, wherein the early universe underwent an incredible expansion in the first microscopic instances of time.
Mathematically this makes complete sense, the first moments of creation were very small calculated numbers, but the first two dimensions were traversed very quickly, the numbers began to square and cube and this lead to an almost immediate exponential growth of all things in existence