Time, Gravity and Negativity

What would happen if time was directly relative to the proportion of positive or negative thoughts we entertain, or maybe the degree to which we lose our enchantment and wonder with the world. I realize that these things probably correlate – old age and feelings of inefficacy and disillusion seem to go hand in hand with some, and I am also aware obviously of the differences between correlation and causation, but here’s how I figure – 

What if our novelty-seeking behavior is what keeps us truly young? The addition of new activities and new sources of knowledge into our brain’s memory loop cause it to expand and become rougher with bumps and curves, giving a sort of friction to time. It takes longer to complete the trip, whereas a person who has given up on learning new things truly sees life speed by him in a blur of grayness – having less and less to differentiate his moments from each other, his time speeds up and he ages.