All We Are

All the particles in our bodies are also all the particles in the universe. We share at least one with everything that exists.

The entire universe is reflected in our smallest particles, similar to droplets of water on the surface of a screen.

They are interchangeable, they can merge together to form something bigger. They are a currency. They are the currency of the universe.

Everything splits off from 3 principles. Everything can be related back to these.

Step one: Entanglement between light and dark, creation of opposites.

Step two: Separation of liquid and solid states of matter.

Step three: Recursive formula, plants bear fruit & recreate themselves. At this point, the creation process starts repeating itself from step one. This stage is what creates the infinite loop.

Step four (1a): Here we are back to step one, but on cycle 2. Opposites create the energy that is required to run the system. A light source, a push into motion. The sun and moon to pull back and forth on each other forever to create a spin. Magnetizing. The next evolution of opposites. Gravitation. In math this step is represented by simple multiplication.

This synchronicity happens because they are situated on a surface that moves in response to their own push. This push communicates with the other metronomes in a way that allows them to all communicate in a way, while feeling like completely separate entities. (herd mentality?) The surface underneath can be as simple as a board laying on two tubes, allowing it to freely move in response to the movement of each metronome. Perhaps the sun and the moon are the equivalent of these tubes?

Step five (2a): Step 5 is just step 2^2, another separation phase. Matter begins to distinguish itself from other matter. This is a splitting apart stage, categorizing, scientific examination. The single cell splits for the first time. The double cell splits into 4, 4 cells split into 16, etc. Single cells were able to split in half by using the dichotomy of air and water. One cell in water, one in air. These two cells split again on the second iteration of this step, one in plasma, one in gas? This stage is represented by squares and square roots.

Step six (3a): Another recursive formula. This step is represented by 3^3.

All of these steps reoccur forever thanks to the recursive formula from the 3rd step. We are able to experience dimension because of the 2nd recursive step in step 6, cubing everything forever in 3D.

Everything in our universe is parallel to one of these steps.

Step one is all opposites and opposing forces. Our idea of karma and the golden rule stems from this.

The wild oscillations of step one allow what happens in step two. The opposites, such as heating and cooling, cause matter to take on two forms (at first) solid and liquid. When this cycle repeats again, matter is divided into more forms in the middle of the original two opposites. Gasses and plasma, etc. This is where the creation of man/male happens. Other categories associated with step 2 include sound, language, written word, logical reasoning, computational abilities, dissecting and categorizing, science.

Step 3 is a simple recursive function. Since this was implemented in step 3, this means steps 4-6 are just parallel forms of steps 1-3. Recursion = reproduction = creation of the feminine. Other categories associated with this step include sight, visual processing, drawing, capturing images, creativity, belief, dreams, metaphors, pattern recognition, putting things back together, bringing things back full circle.

Each time the cycle repeats, it grows on itself. This is why it seems as though the universe is expanding. However, it is not expanding at the projected rate because the formula also includes step 2, which is a dividing step. Not sure if this means the universe is actually slightly expanding, or if it just seems that way, while the cosmological constant is actually zero.

Democratic Organization

After some research it seems more obvious than ever to me that things are capable of organizing themselves based on “battles” that take place on every level. There’s no set good or evil, right or wrong side. Just small victories and defeats that eke out the branches and curves and shapes of life. All of these struggles generate energy, pushes and pulls, which drives the collection of these things as a whole to become more and more evolved.


Yet, he said, he still could not explain how cells organise themselves into such complex tissues. “It’s surprising to see ordered structures emerging without any external forces or influences,” he told me, likening it to politics – a kind of cellular democracy. Throughout development, the cells act upon and influence each other’s behaviour; pushing and pulling, they jostle for space and compete for the limited supply of the resources that they need to grow.

“Self-organisation means that all these processes are democratically regulated,” he said. “The whole process is entirely self-driven. The cells know how to make the optic cup or layered cortex. I do not tell them what to do – they talk to each other and decide for themselves.”

Sasai believed that self-organisation only emerges from populations of a certain size. “This kind of thing can only be seen in groups of about 1,000 to 100,000 cells,” he said. “At this level, cells can be directly democratic, and don’t need a special governor or president to orchestrate them. In a village of several hundred, the people can probably get together and decide what to do, but a country would be a total mess without a government.”

“Self-organisation is so mysterious,” he continued, his reserved demeanour giving way to a child-like curiosity. “We still can’t explain why the cells come together to make an eye. There must be more principles that we still don’t understand yet. It’s something that makes me completely in awe of life.”


Things that would preclude my theory

I believe that a sound theory of everything should be testable and difficult to vary, so to start, instead of pointing out all the things that seem to coincide nicely with it, I will list some things that would potentially disprove my theory –

  • Proof of the existence of irreducible complexity
  • Not finding fungibility (discrete but completely interchangeable particles) at a certain subatomic level of all things
  • Finding certain evolutionary “missing links” between species, providing evidence of more recent than expected links between previously discreet categories of species. i.e. evolution is linear and everything that exists today simply exists in different stages of evolution. (My theory posits that everything that exists today is at roughly the same level of evolution away from a center point of time where things rapidly began to split off from each other.)

Cosmological Constant

Bosons give positive weight to space, fermions give negative weight.

The positive and negative contributions to the cosmological constant cancel to 120-digit accuracy, yet fail to cancel beginning at the 121-st digit. (11×11 or 11^2)

Physicist Steven Weinberg in 1987 argued from basic principles that the cosmological constant must be zero to within one part in roughly 10120, or else the universe either would have dispersed too fast for stars and galaxies to have formed, or else would have re-collapsed upon itself long ago.

This 121st digit gives a slightly positive value to the weight of the universe.

Our very existence places stringent boundaries on several aspects of the design of our universe. Our carbon build for example.

The knife-edge balance of gravitation and expansion is credibly explained by the “inflation” theory of cosmology, wherein the early universe underwent an incredible expansion in the first microscopic instances of time.

Mathematically this makes complete sense, the first moments of creation were very small calculated numbers, but the first two dimensions were traversed very quickly, the numbers began to square and cube and this lead to an almost immediate exponential growth of all things in existence


Fermi paradox, great filter, we all go through them all the time at every level, the filters are in place to allow us to evolve. The great flood as a thought experiment – if we’re all going through great filters it will only be the ones most suited to survive who survive. If there was land life that existed pre-flood, then someone clearly survived the filter. In the case of christianity’s “Noah”, maybe it wasn’t necessarily that he was told by god to do something, merely that he was the first and only person of his time to attempt building a new method of survival… a large boat with provisions. Survival instincts are what cause things to make it past these filters. This happens on every level. Cells die because they are too weak or wounded to continue reproducing themselves while cancer has found a means to survive the killing filters at this level.

Parables as logical thought experiments

Hello world!

it adds such a rich layer to time, how even though its not linear, and is essentially occupying the same space and empiricisms from one moment to the next, nothing inside of it stops
as if time is defined from the inside out
everything grows, and requires the sense of time to measure that growth, and yet time itself fuels and demands people change and grow
we arent truly all that different than we were ten years ago
but the minor differences in choices and how we’ve responded to situations built all these new pathways and perceptions
that make old selves practically unrecognizable
and underdeveloped
and basically it was a matter of time
more time to think, process, digest, make connections, eliminate errors, decide true wants and end goals
what really happens from the point someone wants to the point when they decide to achieve it
there’s no quantifiable change, merely a decision, but its value and weight is among the most valuable things you can gain in life
that weight is the friction in our time loop
the more structure you give to things, the longer time lasts because it has to encompass that structure in itself
but if it’s all spherical anyway, maybe it just needs to be new connections
complex connections
maybe you can make time last longer if you push toward a singularity
I think singularities happen at the end of every splitting and merging cycle
and there are cycles of every size
like a mayan calendar
but they’re not mirror images of each other
they’re somewhere in the middle of order and chaos
there were two weights that scientists expected to find when they were looking for the higgs boson
one supported super symmetry and one supported multiverse theory/chaos
the weight they found instead was right in the middle of the two